Friday, March 22, 2013

Earth Hour on Saturday!

Tomorrow evening, from 8:30 pm until 9:30 pm (in each time zone worldwide) is International Earth Hour.  That is when all people around the world are encouraged to turn off all of their electronics, electricity sucking appliances, lights, etc. for one hour, to raise environmental awareness of the conservation of energy.  Have you ever tried it?  It has been in existence for about seven years.  In my home, we turn off the lights, put a fire in our wood-burning fireplace, use candles and flashlights, and play board games!  What will you do?
Check out the links below for more information!
Earth Hour 2013 website
Earth Hour Around the World
Windsor's News About Earth Hour

Today's classroom Lenten Promise:  Put up someone else's chair at the end of the day.

Have you voted on yet today?  Unfortunately our status has fallen from fifth place to seventh.  Don't forget all weekend - vote then too!

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