Saturday, March 23, 2013

Good News!

 Congratulations to the following students who are this week's Good News ticket winners:  David, Caroline, and Serena!  Keep up the great work!

More Good News?  Today 70% of our class remembered to bring a meatless lunch.  This is the lowest percentage to date.  I had hoped for at least one 100% participation day, but maybe next year!  Next Friday is the last Friday during Lent, but there is no school because it is Good Friday, so don't forget to go meatless then too! This is an obligation for all Catholics since it will be Good Friday.  We are almost there!  You can do it!

Don't forget that starting Monday we will be collecting a wide variety of items for our Holy Week Canned Food Drive.  We will accept anything, but some suggestions are:  peanut butter, jam, breakfast cereal, canned fish, paper towels, facial tissue, and toilet paper.  Let's honour our new pope by keeping with the spirit of St. Francis of Assis.
                             Pope Francis        and         St. Francis of Assis

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