Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of my students, their families, and all blog viewers a very happy Easter.  Don't forget that Jesus is the reason for the season.....masses at Corpus Christi Parish are at 8 am, 10am, and 12 noon.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Good News

 Congratulations to this week's Good News ticket winners:  Michael (twice), David, and Caroline!

Our class was very generous in collecting over 100 items for the St. Vincent de Paul canned food drive in honour of Pope Francis.  That displays almsgiving for Lent!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

I encourage all of my students to attend a Good Friday Liturgy today.  At Corpus Christ Parish that can be at 11 am for the children's service, or 3 pm for the solemn service. One of the reasons that today is a statutory holiday is so that everyone is given the chance to go to church.  I hope to see you there!

What if Jesus has twitter?  Check out this video.
If Jesus had Social Media

Thought for the day:  Why is today known as Good Friday when Jesus was crucified on this day?  What good came from that?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Stations of the Cross

Today we viewed the grade four's version of the Stations of the Cross.  They did a remarkable job!  Check out the pics!
Grade 4 Students
Great Tableaux

Such Reverence!

We also completed
Great Experience!
our Stations of the Cross in class today.  The students handed in their open response questions for evaluation.

We also had a special treat!  Julianna brought in some hand made Easter eggs and told us of their history and tradition.
Egg-cellent idea

Such beauty and detail!

Each student had the opportunity to give a "star" and a "wish" to two other students' motion geometry open response problem solving question that we did yesterday.  This was the chance for each student to give descriptive feedback to two of their peers.  They used bright lime green sticky notes.  Check it out.

We also had the opportunity to plant our own oak trees today.  Each student brought them home to nurture until it is large enough to plant outdoors.
Hands are "soiled"

Getting to the "root" of the problem
Check out the new anchor charts on the Anchor Chart Library page of this website for the latest anchor charts.

Today's classroom Lenten Promise:  Give ten people a compliment.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Earth Hour Results

What did you do on Saturday evening to contribute to Earth Hour?  According to Enwin Utilities, the electricity usage in Windsor between 8:30 - 9:30 pm decreased by 2%.  Congratulations to all who participated.

We are continuing to study the Stations of the Cross by using a powerpoint presentation that I prepared, and scripture readings.  There are a series of open response questions that the students are answering for evaluation.  The students are gaining a new appreciation for the suffering that Jesus did for us.  Why do we celebrate Holy Week?  Check our this video - everything is explained in two and a half minutes.
Holy Week Video

Don't forget to return your pasta dinner orders.  We would love to see you all there!

Have you voted for our school yet today?  Have you invited others to vote for us too?  Did you know that the Windsor Star and AM800 are promoting our initiative too?  Check out this link:
Windsor Star article

Today's classroom Lenten Promise:  Do a favour for a peer such as get or return their literacy box, open the door for them, or pick something up for them.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Wrapping up Transformational Geometry

Today the students received the math review work that they did on Friday, evaluated.  Please sign it and return it tomorrow.  Today we completed the "Show What You Know" portion of our unit, that is for evaluation also.  Tomorrow we will have our unit test, then on Wednesday we will work on some Problem Solving and a math journal for evaluation.  I am pleased, generally speaking with the improvement that everyone has made during this unit.  It is typical for students to find this unit difficult, and I think that we have made great strides.  The students are also becoming more independent, which is one of our classroom goals as we complete the last few months of the school year.

Our Lenten canned food drive is progressing rather slowly.  A few items were brought in today, but I think we can do more.  Please try to bring in something so that we can help people who are less fortunate than we are, have a nice Easter.

Did you read the challenge on yesterday's blog?  Apparently not many did as only six students handed in their agendas with an attempt at the question.  Those students earned Good News Tickets.  If only each student or their family could check our blog daily.........

Today's classroom Lenten Promise is:  Don't say "like".

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Having a Ball!

On Thursday we had a special guest from Mad Science drop in to introduce the planned after school program for this school year.  Each student was given a form to take home.  If you plan to register, please either mail the form and required fees to Mad Science on Rhodes Drive or bring it there directly.  Please do not return it to the school.  Registration is due April 19, 2013.  The program runs on Mondays from April 29 - June 10.

On Thursday we "had a ball" in gym by performing a variety of group activities with balls with Mr. Kennette's class.  Check out the photos!
Team Spirit!
What Effort!
What Attention!
Movement Mania!
Eye Contact!

If you are a student in my class, (or if you are the parent of a student in my class - please tell your child), please make sure to write the following question in your agenda in the March 25 area, answer the question, and put your agenda in the IN BOX on Monday.

If I translated the ordered pair A(3,9) up three and left two, what would the coordinates of A' be? 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Good News!

 Congratulations to the following students who are this week's Good News ticket winners:  David, Caroline, and Serena!  Keep up the great work!

More Good News?  Today 70% of our class remembered to bring a meatless lunch.  This is the lowest percentage to date.  I had hoped for at least one 100% participation day, but maybe next year!  Next Friday is the last Friday during Lent, but there is no school because it is Good Friday, so don't forget to go meatless then too! This is an obligation for all Catholics since it will be Good Friday.  We are almost there!  You can do it!

Don't forget that starting Monday we will be collecting a wide variety of items for our Holy Week Canned Food Drive.  We will accept anything, but some suggestions are:  peanut butter, jam, breakfast cereal, canned fish, paper towels, facial tissue, and toilet paper.  Let's honour our new pope by keeping with the spirit of St. Francis of Assis.
                             Pope Francis        and         St. Francis of Assis

Did you vote on today?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Earth Hour on Saturday!

Tomorrow evening, from 8:30 pm until 9:30 pm (in each time zone worldwide) is International Earth Hour.  That is when all people around the world are encouraged to turn off all of their electronics, electricity sucking appliances, lights, etc. for one hour, to raise environmental awareness of the conservation of energy.  Have you ever tried it?  It has been in existence for about seven years.  In my home, we turn off the lights, put a fire in our wood-burning fireplace, use candles and flashlights, and play board games!  What will you do?
Check out the links below for more information!
Earth Hour 2013 website
Earth Hour Around the World
Windsor's News About Earth Hour

Today's classroom Lenten Promise:  Put up someone else's chair at the end of the day.

Have you voted on yet today?  Unfortunately our status has fallen from fifth place to seventh.  Don't forget all weekend - vote then too!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Looking Ahead...

We are very quickly approaching Holy Week.  Our class has been learning about various Lenten traditions and the Last Supper (Jesus was actually celebrating the Passover).  Next, we will continue with the stations of the cross by viewing a powerpoint presentation and looking up scripture.  Please keep in mind that this is the most holy time of the liturgical year.... even more than Christmas.  Why?  Jesus was born so that he could be crucified and open the gates of heaven for us.  Easter provides this opportunity for us.  I am including the mass schedule for Corpus Christi Church here because it is the church that is affiliated with our school.  I realize that some of you attend other parishes and they will likely have similar schedules.  I hope to see you in church!
Palm  Sunday - March 24:  Sat 5 pm, Sun 8 am, 10 am, 12 noon 
Holy Thursday - March 28 (The Last Supper):  8 pm
Good Friday - March 29 (Passion of Christ):  11 am, 3 pm
Holy Saturday - March 30 (Easter Vigil):  8 pm
Easter Sunday - March 31 (Resurrection):  8 am, 10 am, 12 noon

*don't forget Confession Tuesday March 26: 7-9 pm

Today's classroom Lenten Promise is:  Give a compliment to a peer.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Kids Do the Darndest Things!

This afternoon, while we completed a shared reading (an autobiography), I was reviewing the literary device alliteration with the class as well as attempting to illustrate what the word maniacally means.  The sentence from our text reads as follows:  "The crazed chemist clutched the bubbling beaker and muttered maniacally."  I asked for volunteers to dramatize this and the product that I got was very interesting.  Ask your child about the performances by Caroline, Nathan, and Hailey.  Who needs to pay for entertainment when we have a room full of grade sixes?

 In math today, we extended our understanding of Tiling Patterns, or Tessellations.  We used pattern blocks to create them, then used transformations to describe the positions of each figure.  The students have one practice question to complete for homework, if they did not finish it in class today. Can you tell from the samples below what we will work on in math tomorrow?

Don't forget to vote for our school on  Do you know how to invite friends and relatives to join our quest?  Do you know how to earn bonus votes by answering the trivia question?  Check it out! 
Today's classroom Lenten Promise is:  Respect the teacher that is teaching.  (ask your child why this one was chosen for a Wednesday)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Rotational Symmetry, Beavers, and Vote!

Did that title grab your attention?  I hope so.
Such Concentration!
Today in math we continued working on symmetry by learning a new concept:  Rotational Symmetry.  The students tested pattern blocks for rotational symmetry, figured out the lines of symmetry each block had, and made a connection between these two concepts.  Be sure to use the new anchor chart on the Anchor Chart Library page of this site that we developed collaboratively today!
Precision is Important!
Are You Using Math Logic?

Did you know that we have completed our study of French and English explorers in Social Studies and have moved on to the Fur Trade?  Today the students had the opportunity to hold a real beaver pelt, a lower beaver jaw, and we also had a cute beaver stuffed animal visit us during our lesson today!
Stuffed Beaver
Beaver Pelt:  top view
Beaver Pelt:  bottom view
Lower Beaver Jaw with Large Front Tooth
Did you vote on today?  As of the time I posted this blog, we are currently in fifth place of the ten schools that are competing for the money and outdoor classroom.  Can we move closer to first place?  Although each person is only allowed one vote per day, it is possible to earn more votes.  If you correctly answer the trivia question on the Majesta website, you can win two extra votes for our school each day.  If you invite ten friends to join our quest, you can earn up to ten extra votes if they sign on too!  Go ahead and go for it!  Add the website to your favourites bar and it will  make it easier for you to access the site daily, or use the link on yesterday's blog.  We can do it Guardians!

Today's classroom Lenten Promise:  Raise your hand when you want to speak.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Vote For St. Gabriel School!

Today we had our kickoff assembly to introduce our student body to our campaign to win $20,000 which will be used to create an outdoor classroom.  Check out the link below, as reported on the Windsor Star's blog:
submission video

If you would like to vote for our school - and I encourage you to vote daily, please use the link below to get to the Majesta website.  Voting begins today (March 18) and runs until Friday April 26.  You may vote once per day.  Please support us!  Thank you very much in advance!
Majesta website 

Today we resumed our Transformational Geometry unit with a card game to review concepts.
Then we began working on symmetry by creating a few symmetrical designs using pattern blocks and paper (we created snowflakes!), then we drew and labelled the lines of symmetry.  Make sure to check the calendar for the next test date!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Welcome Back!

Wow!  That week sure flew by!  I hope that everyone is ready to go - the countdown is on to EQAO and the end of the school year!

Please remember to return:  math homework if you had some, indoor shoes, and your Harvest Fresh lunch order if you are interested.  Don't forget that Tuesday is our Spring Photo Day!

See you soon!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Happy March Break!

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of my students and their families a very fun and restful March Break.  Be sure to check the blog if you are out of town!

Blog posts will resume March 17 in anticipation of school on March 18.

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Good News!

Congratulations to this week's Good News Ticket winners:  Abbey and Larissa!

Congratulations also to all of those who had a meatless lunch today.  Participation was 86%!  Keep up the good work, even on the March Break.

Please note that on Friday all indoor shoes were sent home with their owners for a good washing.  The odour from dirty shoes wafts through our room too often.  Please bring them back clean and ready to use on Monday March 18.  Even if boot weather is over by then, they are still required to wear indoor shoes daily, and we also use them for gym class.  Thanks for your assistance!

Yesterday we also cleaned out our classroom closet.  There were many items that were not claimed by anyone, so they were sent to the lost and found.  If your child is missing something, please send them to retrieve them on March 18.

Have you checked the classroom calendar on this website lately?  If so, you know when the next math test is!