Thursday, September 20, 2012

Working on Our Number Sense

Today we had some fun working in partners, small groups, and the class as a whole as we practiced reading, comparing (< >), and ordering larger numbers - up to 7 digits.

Some students would really benefit from some extra practice in reading seven digit numbers properly.  Try looking in the newspaper for some!

We also discussed the need for the students to be more aware of the events happening around the world as we work on making connections.  Since one of the possible ways to make connections is to connect to events in the real world (present or past) it is necessary to build up a SCHEMA of world events.  We brainstormed ways that they could do that.  Try reading the newspaper, listening to the news on the radio, watch television news, find news on the internet, etc.  We also have a great link on the "Helpful Links" page on our website (called 10 x 10).  Check it out!

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