Friday, September 28, 2012

A Day of Firsts

Today we attended our first school mass of this school year.  We were asked ahead of time to bring a non-perishable food item to donate to the St. Vincent Society that works closely with our parish.   Our class brought 29 items!  Way to go!  Our Social Justice Club appreciates the support.  We will be asked to bring an item each time there is a mass, so let's see if we can beat this amount next time.
Overall our class was very well behaved.  Fr. Roche was also very impressed with our performance.  He also encouraged all of us to attend a weekend mass every week.  He reminded that that is how we observe Commandment #3:  Keep holy God's day.
We also had our first House League assembly today.  The students enjoyed a movie prepared by Mr. LeBlanc and they also found out what colour team they are on.  Ask them about my "dancing" and being a "suitcase model".

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