Tuesday, April 04, 2017

Literature Circle Meeting #1

Image result for literature circlesOn Thursday we held our first literature circle meeting.  At this event, each student presented their reader's response for the week (their white role sheet) to their group and everyone discussed the chapters that were read.  I collected the duo tangs and reviewed them during the weekend,  completing part of the rubric.  Students were also given specific feedback about their written work and/or their role during the meeting.  This process will continue for the next three weeks.  Ask your child about it.  Check out the photos.
Jacob's Rescue

Grade 7


Grade 7

*my apologies to the third group of grade seven students who were not photographed.... they were working in the hall and I missed the opportunity when rotating with my phone.

Image result for chester's masterpieceI decided to read the third book in the series to the class as well...they seemed to enjoy it.  Students completed an in-class task based on these books for evaluation, yesterday.  Ask your child about it!

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