Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Drama Preparations and Holocaust Survivors

Yesterday the grade 7s attended a presentation done by Andy Reti, Holocaust survivor, at Holy Names High School.  His main message is that no one should ever be a bully (like the Nazis were) or a bystander (like many citizens in Europe were) because what people have (and continue) to go through is preventable.  He said that he survived the Holocaust because of the love and determination of his mother.  His father was killed during the Holocaust because of love too - he didn't want to risk escaping his labour camp because he feared he would be shot and he had a wife and son to go home to.  His presentation was very passionate and he teared up multiple times.  The audience gave him a standing ovation - there are not many survivors left so we are fortunate that we got to see him.  All students were told that they may bring home their (free) novel - parents may want to read it if you are interested.  ENJOY!
For more information, click here.

The organizing and rehearsing for our spring play has begun!  The class has been divided into four casts.  Each cast decided who would play each character.  Each character needs a costume, and each cast needs props, sound, lightning, backdrop, etc.  Check out the photos.

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