Monday, April 03, 2017

Good News, Recess, and Mentor Texts

Image result for good newsCongratulations to the following students who were the Good News ticket winners on Thursday:  Hope, Arianna, and Molly.  Keep up the good work!

Image result for voices in the park anthony browne  Image result for chester book  Image result for chester book
Our work with the reading strategy of Point of View and the writing trait of Voice continued last week and will continue this week.  Pictured here are more mentor texts that we have been using.  Ask your child about them.

Image result for St. gabriel raffle ticketKeep selling those raffle tickets!  It is a great way for us to raise funds for more technology, gym equipment, and more!

Lake St. Gabriel
This was the view of the senior yard on Friday.  As you can see, flooding was an issue.  Even with the sun this weekend, the area is still supersaturated.  In addition, the forecast for the week calls for rain every day.  (April showers bring May flowers)  As a result you can bet that any outdoor recesses will be asphalt recesses WITHOUT EQUIPMENT.  I hope that parents can support our efforts here.  Quite often students do not respect the announcements and leave the pavement during recess and/or bring equipment outside when it is not allowed.  To explain, we do not have enough pavement at school to sustain approximately 400 students who would have to avoid those running, jumping, etc. while involved in a sport.  This is a recipe for injury.  Also, students will impulsively follow an errant ball right into the mud or puddles, without considering the outcome.  This results in mud and unnecessary water being brought into the school (I am also stressing the need for indoor shoes here), and in some cases, students have to call home for a change of clothes.  Hang in there!  The warm sunny weather is on the way!
Geese wading in Lake St. Gabriel

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