Monday, April 10, 2017

Good New and Head Lice

Image result for good newsCongratulations to the following students who won the Good News ticket draw on Friday:  Veda, Arianna, Aidan D., and Maya.  Keep up the great work!

Image result for lice life cycleThe problem with head lice at our school continues.  It is imperative that students that have these pests in their hair stay home until they have been eliminated.  NO STUDENT MAY COME TO SCHOOL WITH LIVE INSECTS IN THEIR HAIR.  In addition, unless all eggs are removed from the hair, a new batch of in insects will hatch every week or so.  If you would like some tips about how to avoid getting lice, click here.  If you or someone you know is struggling with removing these pests, click here for some helpful remedies.  It is also mandatory that bedding, hats, stuffed animals, etc. be treated as well.  It might be a good idea to skip sleepovers for a while and babysitters should be careful when they are doing that job at someone else's home.  Girls with longer hair might want to keep it in a pony tail, French braid, bun, etc.  For the time being, some activities have been suspended or altered slightly at school.  Those classes involved with Reading Buddies will not be involved until further notice.  Lunch monitors have been warned about not putting themselves in close proximity with the younger students while doing their job.
Image result for lice life cycle

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