Friday, April 28, 2017

Breaking News!

To all of my grade 6 and 7 students:

We will be beginning our final geometry unit in math on Monday.  Please be sure to have a geometry/math set at school.  If you already do, you are all set.  If you don't please get one this weekend.  You will need the compass, protractor, ruler at least.  Sorry, we neglected to write this in our agenda.  Please tell your friends!  Have a good weekend!
Image result for geometry set

Getting Along Digitally and Video Experience


Did you know that on Wednesday, while the grade six students were on their VIP field trip, the grade seven students had the opportunity to appear in a video?  I was asked by some school board personnel if they could come and video us doing math and interview some of the students.  The video is being created for Ministry of Education.  The session went very well.  I hope we don't get cut from the final version, because other classes from around the county were videoed as well.  I'll let you know!

On Thursday teams of grade 12 students from Holy Name High School delivered presentations that they created that informed us about safety online.  The presenters were great and the audience was captive!
Image result for signature requiredGrade seven geography tests and SWYK/EUR for our math probability unit were returned yesterday.  Please return them signed ASAP.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Deskercize and Final Literature Circle Meeting

Last week the Holy Names High School leadership students led us in some deskercize activities again.  What fun!

Final literature circle meetings were held on Friday and all duo tangs have been marked and returned to the class.  Please review all pages in the duo tang and sign the rubric which should be the final page.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Congratulations and Blog Math

Image result for wowCongratulations to the WOW winners for the month of April.  These fine young journalists were recognized for their work interviewing a staff member and crafting an interesting news article:  Nick, Owen, Ethan D.,  and Brad.  Keep up the good writing!  Maybe a career choice someday...........

Congratulations to the students who correctly and punctually completed last week's blog math question.  The correct response is that the tax that was removed was $1 920 and the net income (gross income minus tax) is $10 880.

Here is the next question that is due on Tuesday May 2, 2017.

Image result for tshirtstAt a sale, shirts were sold for $15 each. This price was 80% of their original price. What was the original price?  If the HST is 13% what is the total price for the shirt when it is on sale?  Justify your thinking. 

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Drama Preparations and Holocaust Survivors

Yesterday the grade 7s attended a presentation done by Andy Reti, Holocaust survivor, at Holy Names High School.  His main message is that no one should ever be a bully (like the Nazis were) or a bystander (like many citizens in Europe were) because what people have (and continue) to go through is preventable.  He said that he survived the Holocaust because of the love and determination of his mother.  His father was killed during the Holocaust because of love too - he didn't want to risk escaping his labour camp because he feared he would be shot and he had a wife and son to go home to.  His presentation was very passionate and he teared up multiple times.  The audience gave him a standing ovation - there are not many survivors left so we are fortunate that we got to see him.  All students were told that they may bring home their (free) novel - parents may want to read it if you are interested.  ENJOY!
For more information, click here.

The organizing and rehearsing for our spring play has begun!  The class has been divided into four casts.  Each cast decided who would play each character.  Each character needs a costume, and each cast needs props, sound, lightning, backdrop, etc.  Check out the photos.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Good News and Internet Safety

Image result for good newsCongratulations to the following students who won the Good News ticket draw on Friday:  Aidan M.,  Ethan L., Arianna, and Maya.  Keep up the good work!

Here is the latest collection of vocabulary words. Keep them coming!

A very special thank you is extended to the Lawhead family.  They purchased and sent in some brand new badminton birds for our gym class.  We used them on Friday and they work great!  We decided to keep them for our use, then we will add them to the equipment room at the end of our badminton unit.
Image result for internet safetyImage result for internet safetyOn Friday we were invited to an Internet Safety presentation that was done for us by three Windsor Police Constables.  The main focus was social media and how to stay safe while online.  Since the students were proud to admit that they use social media, the officers were able to see who uses this media underage - you have to be at least 13 to legally have an account (anyone who has one before their thirteenth birthday had to be dishonest about their age to acquire an account).  They also pointed out how this can affect future employment since potential employers (and even post-secondary schools) search people on these apps and can tell if an account was acquired dishonestly.  They also warned about using a photo of yourself for your profile picture.  They demonstrated for us how all photos are time stamped and geotracked so that those people who are interested in luring children and/or grooming them for inappropriate activities can find their victims.  They also pointed out that students are also putting their family and friends at risk by posting photos and disclosing information about themselves.  It is also important to turn the location settings off on all devices because that information can be used by hackers and others.  Finally they reminded us that they must not friend or accept a friend request from anyone that they do not know face-to-face.  Parents, please be aware of what your children are doing online and what accounts or apps they are using.

Image result for dramaThe students were told that their lines for the plays we are working on must be memorized by Friday April 28.  In addition our next math test is on the same day.  We decided on these in the afternoon after agendas were updated and signed, so I will pass on the information here.

Literature Circle duo tangs were returned to the students today and require a parent signature.  Please return them ASAP.  Thanks.