Friday, June 03, 2016

Walk-a-thon Success!

Yesterday morning, Mr. John Ottogalli, who is a high school teacher and a Fort McMurray evacuee, came into our classroom to talk to us about his experiences and to thank us.  He is amazed at our efforts and called us "heros".  I am not sure we qualify for that honour, but we are glad we are helping.  He said that it feels like he is getting a giant hug from all of us.

Miss Quaglia, Mr. Ottogalli, and Mr. Marenchin
Miss Tanya Quaglia, an elementary school teacher from Fort McMurray who is also an evacuee, joined us for the walk.  She and Mr. Ottogalli were named the "Grand Marshalls" and led us around the track.  A reporter and photographer from the Windsor Star also attended the event.  Nate and Joe were interviewed for the article that should appear in Friday's paper.  Check it out!

Being interviewed
The popsicles were a hit!


Just keep walking!

Thanks for your help!
wonderful walkers
Motion music!

I will post the total donated once I have a total, but so far we are over $3000!  Way to go Guardians!

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