Thursday, June 30, 2016

Cheque Presentation and Statistics

On Tuesday we presented the cheque to Mrs. DeSantis who is a representative of the Canadian Red Cross.  Mr. Ottogalli and Miss Quaglia also joined us.  Here is the slide show we used.

Here are some photos from the event.

Congratulations Guardians!

Here is a thank you card that we received from Joe's cousin, Mya.  She attends grade four at St. Gabriel School in Fort McMurray, but unfortunately her family lost their home in the fire.  She is in Windsor for a vacation while her parents are back in Fort McMurray working on their next steps.  They are in the process of rebuilding.

Did you know...
  • that we have 953 books in our classroom library?
  • that we created at least 145 anchor charts this year?
  • we collected 546 milk bags from January to the end of May?
Great job!

Congratulations to team PURPLE!  They won the Guardian Cup this year!

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