Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Social Studies Projects and CASI

Last week we completed the "prologue" to our final social studies unit so that the students would have some schema moving into their final project.  Students were put in groups and asked to select from a list of global events and research a variety of issues relating to the event.  The students are creating slideshows and will present them to the class beginning on Thursday June 9.  Ask your child what they are working on!

Image result for CASIThe final CASI assessment is on the horizon.  (Do you remember the two that you saw during the student-led conferences?) This reading evaluation will count toward the students' reading mark on their final report card.  Anchor charts will not be hanging in the room for this evaluation either, so to prepare, I have attached a yellow star to every anchor chart that should be reviewed in advance of this.  Please check the Literacy Anchor Chart Archives on our website by clicking the link above.

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