Thursday, June 16, 2016

Final CASI Results and Game Day

Image result for CASIThe final CASI results are in!  In June, this version of the CASI counts toward each student's reading mark since all of the reading strategies have been explicitly taught, practised, and previously evaluated independent of each other.
     Congratulations to the following students who increase one whole level since September:  Carlo, Sabin, Steven M., Joe, Chantel, Nate, and Alyssa.  Extra special congratulations is extended to Nick and Evan because their mark increased two whole levels since September.
     Truthfully, I think many students could have performed better if they had reviewed the anchor charts that had yellow stars on them in the days leading up to this final CASI.

Image result for game dayThat's correct!  Our class earned one board game day based on the tickets in the St. Gabriel lottery that was held earlier this year.  On Friday, all students are asked to bring at least one board game.  We will spend most of the day sharing games with our classmates, learning new ones, and/or having fun playing old favourites.

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