Friday, June 10, 2016

P.D. Day, Great News, and VIP Trip Info.

Image result for great newsI am very pleased to announce that the combined total money raised during our two events (car wash and walk-a-thon) currently sits at $6106.45.  That is an amazing total... much more than I expected!  Congratulations to my class for a job well done.  We hope to present a cheque to the Canadian Red Cross at our next assembly.

Image result for windsor policePermission forms were sent home yesterday for our VIP field trip next week.  Please ensure that forms and money is returned by Monday.  Please check the Parents' Place page of our website for an important letter to parents from the Windsor Police Service.

Image result for PD DAY

Enjoy your P.D. Day today while your teachers are at school working hard!  Make sure your use some of your extra time to review the literacy anchor charts as you prepare for the CASI assessment on Monday.

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