Thursday, June 30, 2016

Cheque Presentation and Statistics

On Tuesday we presented the cheque to Mrs. DeSantis who is a representative of the Canadian Red Cross.  Mr. Ottogalli and Miss Quaglia also joined us.  Here is the slide show we used.

Here are some photos from the event.

Congratulations Guardians!

Here is a thank you card that we received from Joe's cousin, Mya.  She attends grade four at St. Gabriel School in Fort McMurray, but unfortunately her family lost their home in the fire.  She is in Windsor for a vacation while her parents are back in Fort McMurray working on their next steps.  They are in the process of rebuilding.

Did you know...
  • that we have 953 books in our classroom library?
  • that we created at least 145 anchor charts this year?
  • we collected 546 milk bags from January to the end of May?
Great job!

Congratulations to team PURPLE!  They won the Guardian Cup this year!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

VIP Graduation

Congratulations to those grade sixes who completed and graduated from the VIP program on Monday.  The pot luck was a huge success and the families graciously supplied excellent menu items.  We especially need to thank Inspector Mizuno for working with us through the program (that is part of her volunteer work) and the St. Gabriel SAC who supplied us with our t-shirts.  Check out the photos.



Congratulations to the following students who far exceeded the 10 hours of community service requirement.  They earned some "swag" for their efforts.

Congratulations graduates!

*To those students who had their t-shirt ruined on Monday, replacement shirts have been ordered and I will contact you through your mytools2go account to let you know when they are ready.  Start checking the week of July 4. We will make arrangements to meet so that you will get your shirt ASAP.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Urban Surf Field Trip

The weather was perfect and we had a great time during our field trip on Friday.  Check out the slide show!

Monday, June 27, 2016

Good News

Image result for good news imagesCongratulations to the following students who won the Good News ticket draw on the last Friday of the school year:  Ophelia, Sabin, and Alexei.

Image result for report cardReport cards will be sent home today.  Please DO NOT return the envelope this time, but please sign and return just the signature portion.  Keep the rest of it at home.  Also please notice that the suggested school supply list for next year is also in the envelope.  Please keep this handy so that you may catch all of the sales this summer!

I received a letter from Nate's mom, who received it from family members who were displaced due to the Fort McMurray fire.  It was sent earlier in the month.  I have posted it here for your information.
That is awesome that Nate and his class want to help.
It has been truly amazing how much love and support the ppl of Fort McMurray has been shown. I have never felt so much kindness from complete strangers in my entire 53 yrs
Uncle Terry, I and Nicole, the dog and 2 cats were given the keys to a vacant farm house (6 hours South from Fort Mc) as the farmer did not have a hired hand this year. When we arrived the house was freshly cleaned, clean sheets and towels, food in the cupboards and a full fridge and a $100 gift certificate to the grocery store. Completely unbelievable the kindness from a friend of a friend of a friend. On Mother's Day the local flower shop sent me a beautiful flower arrangement and a lovely note, I actually cried.
The Fort McMurray firefighters did an amazing job to save our city. On Tuesday morning there was only 34 firefighter working. Imagine those 34 firefighters carrying the hopes of 80,000 people on their shoulders trying to save our city, God bless them
About 2,400 homes were lost.
(Some of my friends and co workers are homeless). Also gone are condos, numerous businesses, a gas station and the Super 8 Hotel.
Our schools are cancelled for the remainder of the year. Some students have returned to schools in the communities that they evacuated to, some have decided not to return to class and that's ok too. Nicole is an EA in Kindergarten, her students didn't really understand what was going on and were excited to be going home early and asked her "will we see you tomorrow Ms Rankin ?" The older classes were upset as they realized more what was going on.
It was amazing that there was no deaths in the city due to fire, however there two deaths due to a motor vehicle accident during the evac many kilometres from the city.
Thank you Nate and your classmates. Although Windsor is very far from Fort McMurray, your love and kindness is truly felt. Thank you from your (Great)Uncle Terry, Aunt Ella, all your cousins and all the residents of Fort McMurray.
Good Job Grade Six

Image result for canadian red cross logoDon't forget that we will be presenting the cheque to a representative from the Canadian Red Cross at our assembly tomorrow morning at 9AM.  Join us if you can!

Friday, June 24, 2016

Pot Luck is Monday!

Image result for potluckDon't forget that our VIP graduation will be held on Monday.  Please refer to the blog post on June 14 for instructions and reminders.  Obviously, the students do not need to pack a lunch on that day.

Image result for school supplies The students have been bringing home their workbooks, assignments, and other items gradually so that they do not have a huge backpack full all at once.  Please peruse these items before you discard them - there are some "keepers" that you may want to hang on to as a keepsake.  Also, students may donate used school supplies to a third world country, if you are interested.  There is a box near the office for this collection.  Report cards will be going home on Monday.  Please sign and return just that portion and notice a school supply note for next year that is also included.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

I Told You We Are "Out of This World"

We used our "outdoor classroom" to understand what makes day and night.  Ask your child about it!

We also used our E-Flyers and had a flying competition.  Carlo's device went the farthest, consistently.

The school year is quickly coming to an end.  There are quite a few students who owe signed items and  have not brought them in.  I  have been giving them daily reminders, yet they have not complied.  Please check with your child and his/her agenda and send them back promptly.

 Image result for urban surfDon't forget that we will be going on our field trip tomorrow.  Please use the list I sent home last week to ensure that your backpack is full of the items you need for a successful day.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

More Science!

We have been working on wrapping up our Flight unit.  Yesterday we completed the final project for evaluation:  building an E-Flyer independently following directions, demonstrating its flying capabilities, and displaying knowledge through an interview with Mrs. Colautti.  It took us a while to understand Bernoulli's Principle, but I think we are on the right track now!

We even enjoyed a popsicle while we were creating our success criteria!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Rabbits for Sale

Below please find each of the four casts' versions of the play "Rabbits for Sale".  Due to other technical difficulties, Cast A's and Cast C's video is in two parts.  Special thanks to Carlo and Joe who assisted with the filming.  Enjoy!

Monday, June 20, 2016

Good News and VIP Field Trip

Image result for Good News logoCongratulations to Nick and Sabin who were the Good News ticket draw winners on Friday.  Keep up the good work. There sure aren't very many left this year!

We had a great trip to the Windsor Police Training Facility.  Check out the slide show of photos below.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Mailing Letters and Science

On Thursday we walked to the mailbox yet again.  This time we mailed our personal friendly letters that we wrote.  They are thank you letters to the many people that assisted us with the walk-a-thon and car wash.  What a coincidence!  We actually encountered a genuine Canada Post letter carrier while we were at it!

We have been working on the properties of air in our science class.  Look at us creating high pressure over the blue paper and high pressure under the paper to create lift!


Greeat News!  The premier of Alberta, Rachel Notley, sent a letter to the director of education for our school board recognizing our fund raising efforts.  Check it out!  Way to go Guardians!