Monday, September 14, 2015

Good News

Image result for good news logoOn Friday our first Good News Ticket draw was held.  Students earn Good News tickets for a wide variety of tasks - all of them positive.  This week students each earned one on Tuesday, if they had their agenda signed on Wednesday, when displaying good behaviour, helping others, laughing at my jokes, showing their parents the welcome letter, and reading every day last week (if a parent wrote a note in the agenda as was requested on Thursday's blog post).  This is only the beginning and we will have a draw for prizes every Friday.  The number of names that are drawn is directly related to the number of tickets in the bin!  Students can also earn Good News Tickets outside of school.  Ask them how! Congratulations to the first winners of this school year:   Brendan (twice), Aidan, Nick, Nate, and Owen.  Keep up the great work!

Image result for fully alive 6We are beginning to work on our first Family Life unit:  Created and Loved by God.  Parents, please go to the page of our website called "Parents (or Guardians) of Students Attending Catholic Schools".  At the bottom of the page there is an attachment which is the parent letter for theme 1.  Please read this notice.  It is provided for your information.  Thank you!

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