Wednesday, September 09, 2015

First Day Success!

I am very pleased to report that our first day together was a huge success.

Image result for calendarPlease take a moment or two to examine the calendar on our class website.  On it you will find important dates, and eventually evaluation dates.  Gym begins on Thursday September 10 (no gym clothes are needed but please wear comfortable clothes - no skinny jeans) and a few items are due Friday (parent homework, Good News ticket, $8 for agendas).  Some students were missing some school supplies, so please check that page of the website (or their agenda) as well and bring in items as soon as possible.  If there is an economic hardship that will prevent this, please let me know.

Image result for reading quotes dr seussHas your child been reading daily?  Please read the "Why Should My Child Read Nightly" page of this site for further information.  We discussed this in class also.

Don't forget to check and sign your child's agenda nightly!  Thank you!

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