Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Scholastic Book Orders

Today the students took home the final Scholastic book order catalogues today.  They are due June 11.  I encourage all students to do something to keep up their skills this summer.  I shared this analogy with the class today:

Imagine that you were an athlete in any sport, and for two months you did not: work out, play the sport, read about the sport, watch the sport, or do anything associated with it.  After two months, you decided to go back to it.  Where would your skill level be?

The students correctly surmised that their skills would be shoddy at best.  Their coordination would be poor, muscle memory would be lacking, their stamina and endurance would also have decreased.  This, unfortunately, is what happens when students go all summer without practising their academic skills.  That is exactly why students must do something during the summer months to keep their skill level up.  In my professional opinion, they must read daily - quality literature - not some of the diary types of books that are filled with graphics.  They also should do math.  Student practice workbooks can be purchased economically at WalMart, Scholar's Choice, Teach 'n Toys, etc.  I recommend that they do grade six level to condition their skills.  It is not necessary to work on grade seven material.  It is not necessary to purchase products - the internet is also a source of math and science information.  And yes, if you are wondering, I practise what I preach.  My son does 45 minutes of school work five days per week during the summer - with time off during family vacations.  WHAT DO YOU DO?

Drama update:  I have secured the gym so that we can use the stage on Monday and Tuesday of next week.  We will definitely perform our plays then.  Please be prepared with props, costumes, sound, lighting, etc.  Due to this schedule change, we will have the opportunity to practise again on Thursday June 6. 

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