Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Reaction to the EQAO Assessment

Each day, after completing each portion of the EQAO assessment, I debriefed our class, looking for reaction to the evaluation.  These are some quotes from our class: is easier than I thought....            is fun, not boring..... is kinda fun and not as technical as I thought it would be...
...I was surprised that it looks just like the ones we looked at from the website...
...I didn't feel much pressure - I am relaxed!      ...EASY!
...this reminds me of other tests we've done this year...
...easy because we are prepared...
...I was nervous at first, then it got easier because we were taught it all... is pretty good - I like the questions... is all what we were expecting - nothing we weren't prepared for...
...math is easier than literacy...   ...writing is FUN!
...I like the stories and the questions...           is easy - I could understand everything!                     
...there are too many math problem solving questions...
...the big boxes are intimidating for open response math questions - I feel that I need to fill the whole box...
     prepared us really well... was easier than I thought - I liked the writing...    first I was nervous, then I became confident... 
  ... I like how they made us write a story... seemed like it went by quickly...  
 ...the writing was not specific - we could do what we wanted...

I am glad that things went so smoothly.  I hope that this means that the results will be favourable as well!  We all agreed that we are glad that it is over!!!!

I hope that this means that our results will be good!

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