Sunday, June 23, 2013

Reminders for this Week!

On Friday the students were sent home with five items that required a parent signature.  Please ensure that they ALL come back on Monday.    Thanks!

Congratulations to our class who placed second in the competition to sell the lottery tickets in the recent SAC lottery.    I am sure that the fantastic contributions from Hailey and Michael sure helped, as they won prizes for being top individual sellers.  Kudos to you both!  As a result, we will have another pizza party on Tuesday!  Three pieces of pizza and a beverage will be provided.  I will also supply a dessert, as promised.  Please bring snacks that you will require for the day.  It is important to support the SAC's fund raising efforts because they give generously to the students of our school.  Not only did they fund many aspects our VIP program, but there is a list longer than your arm of how they contribute to the whole school.

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