Saturday, June 29, 2013

See You in September!

This daily blog is now closed for the summer.  Unless something interesting or surprising needs to be posted, new posts will resume the last week of August, right before school resumes.  If you are a student entering grade six in September 2013, please check the school supply page of this site for the latest information.  Feel free to peruse older posts and enjoy everything that has happened in Grade 6C - it is THE place to be!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Happy Summer Vacation!

 I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very fun, safe, and productive summer vacation.  To all of my former students, make sure you read daily, and practise math.  To my future students, I recommend the same!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

WOW Winners!

Congratulations to the following students who are the final WOW winners for this school year:
Remarkable Respect - Taylor, Julia, Hannah, Hannah, Alysia, Adam
Helping Hands - Michael, Liam

Thank you to all of my students for a great year.  I have watched you grow and learn many new things.  You are a very special group of students and I believe that you will continue to do good things with your talents.  Thank you also for the many wonderful (but not necessary) gifts.  They all put a smile on my face.  I would also like to take this opportunity to wish Hailey and Serena well in their new schools.  Congratulations is also extended to Mrs. Marras who has decided to retire after over 25 years of teaching.  Rest, relax, and enjoy!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

House League Winners!

Congratulations to the RED team who are this year's winners of the Guardian Cup!  The gym was electric with energy as everyone awaited the announcement.

Congratulations RED TEAM!
Even the mascot for the Summer Games came to participate!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Pizza Party!

Our class thoroughly enjoyed the pizza and juice that was supplied by the SAC, the cupcakes I brought, and the ice cream sundaes courtesy of Miss O.  How Delicious!  Thanks to everyone who made this possible, especially all those ticket sellers!

This afternoon we watched the Holy Names High School jazz band and choir perform in our gym.  Hopefully some of our students will aspire to be part of that production when they are in secondary school.  It will open up a world of opportunities.

Don't forget:  wear your house league shirts tomorrow so that your colours will be visible during our assembly tomorrow.  WHO WILL WIN THE CUP?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Report Card Day!

Today the students received their final report card of this school year.  They have already commented on their progress and set goals for themselves.  Parents, please complete and sign the parents' portion and return it with your child tomorrow.  Please keep the envelope and the rest of the report at home.  Also please find a list of suggested supplies for next year and some information regarding immunizations for grade seven.  Congratulations to all of those students who have achieved the goals that they set for themselves this year!  I do think that many students have learned lots this year!

Don't forget that tomorrow we will have our pizza party for being a top selling class for the lottery fund raiser (second place).  Three pieces of pizza, beverage, and dessert will be provided.  Thank you SAC!

Congratulations to the following students who have earned an ice cream sundae treat on Wednesday for their fabulous participation in the ticket selling:  Nathan, Alysia, Hailey, and Michael.  Way to go!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Reminders for this Week!

On Friday the students were sent home with five items that required a parent signature.  Please ensure that they ALL come back on Monday.    Thanks!

Congratulations to our class who placed second in the competition to sell the lottery tickets in the recent SAC lottery.    I am sure that the fantastic contributions from Hailey and Michael sure helped, as they won prizes for being top individual sellers.  Kudos to you both!  As a result, we will have another pizza party on Tuesday!  Three pieces of pizza and a beverage will be provided.  I will also supply a dessert, as promised.  Please bring snacks that you will require for the day.  It is important to support the SAC's fund raising efforts because they give generously to the students of our school.  Not only did they fund many aspects our VIP program, but there is a list longer than your arm of how they contribute to the whole school.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Good News!

Congratulations to Matt who is this week's Good News ticket winner.  Things are winding down this year.  Will there be another winner?

Friday, June 21, 2013

Congratulations Graduates!

We have pledged to be Upstanding Citizens in our Community
Congratulations are extended to all grade 6 students who completed the VIP program this year.  A very special thank you is also sent out to the St. Gabriel SAC who generously provided the pizza and juice for our lunch today AND the attractive VIP t-shirts that each student received.  Thank you also to those families who sent in desserts or fruit.  Finally, thank you to Constable Silver who worked with us throughout the year!
assembling for the ceremony

delicious pizza from Como's
Constable Silver enjoys pizza too!
The students thanked Constable Silver
for volunteering his time
We presented him with cards...
...and a gift!
Each student received a certificate and a VIP t-shirt
We enjoyed dessert!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Second Annual St. Gabriel Design Challenge

We had a fantastic day at St. Clair College today.  Check out the video and presentation below for the details.


If you would like to show your parents your creation, continue working on it, and/or begin a new design, use the link below to download your free software.  Make sure you have your parents' permission first.  ENJOY!
Google Sketch-up link
Use this link to view a tutorial that will assist with your work.
Sketch-up Tutorial

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

What Talent!

Today we watched the dress rehearsal of the talent show.  Congratulations to Mrs. LeBlanc for a great job organizing the entire affair.  Extra special kudos to Julia R., Julia O., and Hailey from our class who participated!

Curtain Call!
Our class was able to demonstrate even more talent today.  For our science summative evaluation, the students made paper airplanes using a set of instructions, but then were to test and modify as needed.  We even went outside to work on this since it was such a beautiful day.  Each student had an interview with me.  I asked for demonstrations and I asked questions to see if they understood lift, gravity, thrust, drag, roll, yaw, pitch, and the use of the ailerons on their aircraft.  I also listened for the use of the science vocabulary.  We may have some aeronautical engineers in our future!