Tuesday, April 09, 2013

We Continue to be So Busy!

Today for math we reviewed the concepts that were introduced yesterday (adding fractions with and without common denominators) and forged ahead to work on comparing and ordering fractions.  Please check the newest anchor charts on the Anchor Chart Library for assistance or review.  I have spoken to the class a few times in the last week about the pace in math.  We need to work more efficiently and we no longer have the luxury of spending three or four days on a single concept.  We will be writing EQAO in a little less than two months, and I am trying my best to ensure that all subject matter is taught to the class in advance of that.  It is each student's responsibility to correct errors, complete daily assignments, ask for assistance if necessary, and review for evaluations.  It is greatly appreciated if my students worked on math facts (especially multiplication) in the evenings.  I also encourage parents to review workbooks and/or handouts as they come home to see your child's progress.

In Literacy we are just about finished our health brochures and we have been researching our hero about which we will be writing biographies.  Today the latest Literacy evaluation also went home to be signed by a parent.  Please send them back ASAP.  In addition, the students and I have been discussing the fact that although we have made much progress this year in our understanding and use of sophisticated vocabulary, we still have a long way to go.  Please pay particular attention to the reading multiple choice questions on your child's evaluation to see how they did in this area.  These difficulties transfer over into other subject areas as well.

Honourary Police Chief for the Day??? Any takers??? The letter was due yesterday, but I will accept it up until Friday, if you plan to apply for this competition.

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