Monday, April 29, 2013

Literacy Workstations

These students are listening to a
selection from our literacy resource
while practising reading strategies
and word study work
We are in the middle of our current round of literacy workstations.  At these stations, students work in small groups to practise literacy stills.  Some activities are completed in groups, others are individual.  This enables me to do guided reading with a small group of students.  Check it out!
These students are working with the teacher at the guided reading table.

These students work at the vocabulary workstation,
specifically creating words with prefixes and using them in a
These students are working at the
word study workstation, practising
conjunctions, prefixes, and suffixes.
These students work at the science workstation, completing
a graphic organizer about the ten forms of energy
These students work at the social studies workstation,
completing a graphic organizer about the European
influence on the First Nations people.

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