Monday, December 12, 2016

Good News

Image result for good newsCongratulations to the following students who won the Good News ticket draw on Friday:  Ethan L., Hope, Molly, Alyssa (yes, from Mr. Cowan's class), and Joshua.  Keep up the good work.

This is the last week for our toiletry drive.  As you can see, our class is doing a great job!  As of Friday, we brought in 103 items.  The box on the right is just dental hygiene products!  Keep them coming!  As a member of the Corpus Christi St. Vincent de Paul Society, I can tell you that this is really needed and will be greatly appreciated!

Here is our latest set of vocabulary words.  Keep them coming!

Check out the video of "Splasher" entertaining us when the grade 6s were at the WFCU Centre last week.

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