Wednesday, December 07, 2016

Using Technology in the Classroom!

 Image result for pixton logo

Did you know that our latest writing task is being converted into a media literacy piece?  Using our health discussions about personal/internet safety, each students were asked to create a short story.  From there, they selected key sections of the text that could be illustrated and used to tell the story, using speech and thought bubbles for their characters.  Now we are in the process of creating our final drafts using the Pixton website.  This site allows each student to totally customize their backgrounds, characters, and even choose the style of speech bubble they desire.  Each student will earn a health and media literacy mark when this assignment is complete.  Check out the photos!  If you are interested, check out the site by clicking here.
Image result for pixton logo

Image result for google sheets logoIn addition, last week we completed some graphing using Google Sheets.  Both grades, while doing separate assignments, were able to create spreadsheets then convert them to any type of graph they wanted.  They could even manipulate the characteristics to create bias.

Image result for heart rateFinally, for health and gym, the students are using primary data that they collected over many gym classes to graph their aerobic and recovery heart rate in addition to their achievement in the "beep test".  After answering some questions, they will submit this to me for more marks!  We certainly are busy!

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