Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Math Test and Rant

Image result for transformational geometry Don't forget that we will be having our math test on transformational geometry on Thursday.  As usual, please use the anchor charts to review since we did not follow the textbook completely.  You will notice that we did not do similar figures, as this is a skill that will be dealt with in another year.  I  have also been after the class to use correct math communication when they are working through problems.  When performing any transformation or series of transformations, they must know when to rename vertices as "prime", "double prime", etc.  THEY MUST ALSO USE A RULER and UPPER CASE letters.  When describing transformations that figures have done, they must be very specific (as shown on the anchor charts) about which transformation, how far, which direction, location of mirror line, location of turn centre, etc.
Image result for rantHave you ever watched "The Rick Mercer Report" on CBC?  He typically does a rant that is usually related to politics.  Yesterday I did a rant of my own.  It was due to the lack of quality in the math practice work from Friday, lack of practising questioning techniques at home while reading (re:  Friday's post), lack of most students responding to my written feed back and oral requests, lack of using the anchor charts, and the list goes on and on........  I flat out told the class that if they are doing nothing at home in the evenings or on the weekend, then they are not fulfilling their responsibility as a good student.  Those who do not do the things that I am asking in the classroom are in the same situation.  Since we do not get much homework, there is ample time to review anchor charts and correct errors.  This doesn't seem to be happening enough, in some cases, or at all in others. Some students do not catch up on missed work after an absence, either.  I hope that I can count on the parents to remind - and assist - their child(ren) in this area.  Good work habits are developed over time and are not magic.  Thank you for "listening".
Image result for rick  mercer report                                                                                                 

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