Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Blog Math, Family Life, and Aroma

Image result for balloonsEllen, Jim, and Steve bought 3 helium-filled balloons and paid $2 for all 3 balloons. They decided to go back to the store and buy enough balloons for everyone in the class. How much did they pay for 26 balloons?

This math question is due on Tuesday March 29 at 8:10 AM.  Please copy the question on a piece of binder paper, then solve it using the steps of problem solving.  Don't forget that there is not school on Monday March 28, so in reality it is due immediately after the weekend.

Image result for fully alive 6Next month we will be working on a section of our Family Life curriculum that also coincides with a section of our Health curriculum:  Created Sexual.  Due to the sensitive nature of the material, I am requesting that parents review this material with their child in advance of our classroom activities.  This will provide you with the opportunity to see the material that your child is learning, play an important role in this education, and field questions from them that they may not feel comfortable asking in the classroom setting.  Feel free to use this as the daily home reading assignment.  As a result, they will be bringing the textbook resource to take home with them today.  I am asking that collaboratively parent and child read pages 57 - 86 inclusive.  When this reading is complete, please record "Family Life reading complete" in the April 4 area of the agenda and RETURN THE TEXT TO THE CLASSROOM.  This reading and the textbook is due April 4.  Thank you very much for your support and assistance in this manner.

Image result for personal hygieneI have noticed that our room is filled with various unpleasant odours that can be linked to some students in our room.  I am requesting that everyone follow basic hygiene, as show here (except the shaving part, of course).  We do not want to offend anyone with unpleasant odours, especially since we are in rather close proximity in our room.  Believe it or not , this is an all-day issue, not just an end-of-the-day or after gym issue.  Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

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