Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Potluck a Huge Success!


Our class thoroughly enjoyed all of the food that was sent in for the potluck that was held on Tuesday. Thank you very much to each family who contributed to the fantastic lunch!  Most of the main dishes have been consumed and there are a few leftovers and many desserts that will be enjoyed on Wednesday.  If your empty dish was not sent home on Tuesday, it is because it will be used on Wednesday.  It will be sent home after that.

I would be remiss if it did not make special mention of Mrs. Pozzi and Mr. Seguin who brought in their dishes even though their sons were sick and had to miss the event.  What commitment and integrity!  Thank you also to Mrs. Pizzuti and Mr. Carter who cooked for us as well.  Finally, Mrs. McAuley surprised us with the opportunity to decorate our own gingerbread or sugar cookie.

We also enjoyed watching this Christmas movie in our pajamas!

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