Monday, December 08, 2014

Good News and Sumo Wrestlers

  Congratulations to last week's Good News ticket winners:  Logan and Mahleik.  Keep up the good work!

  Congratulations to November's WOW winners:  Tori, Gina, and Mahleik.  The theme was hard work and dedication.

 The students were entertained by the Sumo wrestling match that Mrs. Blain and Mr. Marenchin engaged in.  Mrs. Blain even brought her entourage!  Mrs. Blain won hands down - thanks to Mr. Marenchin for giving it all he had!

Catch the Action!
Due to the fact that we are still waiting for students who have been absent to write the math test and literacy evaluation, those items will be returned when all have completed it.  Thanks for understanding!

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