Friday, December 12, 2014

Calculating Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms

 We have been working in groups to develop strategies and methods to make our thinking visible and logical when calculating the surface area of rectangular prisms.  Check out the anchor charts - there are three different types of rectangular prisms to consider.

On Thursday Mrs. Blain had a talk with our class (and the other classes in the senior wing) about problems in the washrooms.  Right now the most problems seem to be happening in the boys' washroom, but the girls are not far behind.  The problem range from flushing unflushables down the toilets (such as paper towels), to paper towels and water all over the place, to smearing things on the walls which our body produces.  Please speak to your children and reinforce the importance of respecting Mr. Plante and the work that he does.  Also, if your child knows who is contributing to the problems, have them tell an adult at school.  Thanks so much for your assistance in this matter.

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