Sunday, June 01, 2014

VIP Events on the Horizon!

On Friday the students received field trip forms for the VIP field trip that we will be attending on June 10.  Please return the forms and $4 by Thursday June 5.

Most of the students submitted their completed community service forms and photos on Friday as required (forms will be accepted on Monday at the latest).  Those students who have completed their community service will be graduating on June 24 during our ceremony.  Each student will receive a complimentary VIP t-shirt, courtesy of the St. Gabriel SAC.  We will also be participating in a pot luck luncheon on that day.  A sign up sheet will be posted this week for students to begin to sign up to bring an item to share.  For the last pot luck, we had a wonderful variety of items and we are hoping for the same assortment this time.  We have already secured a graduation cake, so we are requesting that more cake or cupcakes are not brought in.  Don't forget that we would appreciate beverages, plates, forks, napkins too!  Thank you very much in advance!

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