Tuesday, June 03, 2014

EQAO Math Debriefed

On Friday and Monday our class worked diligently on the two math portions of the junior EQAO assessment.  They were allowed a variety of blackline masters and manipulatives to assist them.  I provided a "buffet" of those items for them to choose from, in addition to the three anchor charts that we were allowed.  

After each math session, I asked the students for their reaction.  Here is what they told me:

  • Easy!
  • Much easier than literacy.
  • Easier than expected.
  • Harder than literacy, but easy.
  • Most of this stuff we have already done.
  • It was everything we have done all year.  It would have been much harder if we wouldn't have done all those open response questions (ie. problem solving) all year!
  • It was easier than the work we did this year.
  • We've done much harder work.
  • The problem solving questions were easy.
  • Very hard.
  • It looked harder than it was.
  • The second day of math was harder than the first.
  • The last day was the hardest of them all.
  • EQAO wasn't scary.  I am glad that we were prepared by doing all of the open response questions all year!
  • The last day was the easiest of all!
Well, the good news is that we have completed the entire assessment and lived to tell about it!  Great work grade sixes!
As a treat, each student received a large Mr. Freeze to help cool off and to celebrate the end of EQAO, courtesy of their teachers!

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