Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Holy Week 2014

We are in the midst of Holy Week, the most significant time in the church year.  In the classroom, we are studying Jesus's passion and death with great detail, and the students are answering open response questions which will demonstrate their understanding of these events.
I encourage you, as a family, to attend as many events at church that you can.  My students should be able to recognize the changes in the priest's vestments at all of these celebrations based on a previous unit of study.  The following events will take place at Corpus Christs Parish.  Here is a schedule, for your convenience:
Confessions - Tuesday April 15  7-9pm
Holy Thursday - Thursday April 17 8pm  This is a reenactment of the Last Supper, which Jesus celebrated with his apostles.  He was celebrating Passover, but instituted the Eucharist during this meal, as well as washed the feet of his apostles.
Good Friday - Friday April 18  Children's Service 11am, Solemn Service 3pm  The reason that there is no school and many people have the day off of work, is to allow ample opportunity to attend Good Friday Services.  This in the only day that mass is not celebrated and the Tabernacle light is not lit because of Jesus's death.  We relive the Stations of the Cross, venerate the crucifix, and receive Eucharist that was transformed at the Holy Thursday mass.
Holy Saturday - Saturday April 19 8pm  This is the Easter Vigil celebration.  Not only is the Resurrection celebrated, but the catacumens will become full members of our church family at this celebration.
Easter Sunday - Sunday April 20  8am, 10am, 12noon  The Resurrection will be celebrated.  JESUS IS THE REASON FOR THE SEASON!
I hope to see you in church!

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