Monday, April 14, 2014

Final Literature Circle Meeting

Elijah of Buxton
Tuck Everlasting
On Friday we held our final Literature Circle meeting for this session.  Unfortunately, some students were not finished reading their book and/or had not completed their role for the week.  They were given four weeks (2.5 hours per week) to read their book and were allowed to stay in for recess to catch up if they had fallen behind for any reason.  This week the students will be given time on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday to work collaboratively on their group book talk, which will be presented on Thursday.  Please allow them to bring supplies from home, as needed.  Some groups may need show boxes and some trinkets, for example.  As usual, anything that is evaluated must be done at school, so they must do the construction there.  Check out the photos!



Don't forget the items for our Mexican Fiesta basket!  It is beginning to look good!

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