Monday, August 08, 2016

Another Fort McMurray Fundraiser!

After hearing about our work, the Fogolar Furlan Club here in Windsor decided they also wanted to support the community of Fort McMurray in their quest to return "to normal".  In addition to the devastating wildfires, there has been recent flooding in parts of the city that was untouched by the fires due to the severe storms they have experienced this summer.  As it turns out, the families of Miss Tanya Quaglia and Mr. John Ottogalli are members of the club.  If you can, try to attend this Thursday.  Tickets are sold at the Fogolar, Imperial Gifts and Decor (on Tecumseh Road in the Giant Tiger Plaza), and through Tanya's mom Angela.  I hope to see you there!

P.S. Our fund raising events were published in the Snap'd paper in the July and August editions.  In the event that you did not see them, I have added the links below.

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